Released in 1920
Silent, black and white
71 minute run tim
Directed by Robert Wiene
Starring: Werner Krauss, Conrad Veidt, Friedrich Feher
(watched via Netflix instant streaming)
This film is absolutely brilliant in design. Everything is pointy and slanted at odd angles. The actors all wear too much dark make-up around their eyes so they seem more dead than alive. Plants look dried out and dead, as do the buildings and even most of the characters. Tim Burton's creepy/odd style is very reminiscent of what you see here in this film (I'm wondering if he was more than a little inspired by it, actually.) The design sets the tone immediately so that the viewer is prepared for a horror story of unique and bizarre proportions, which the first scene set in a mental hospital is happy to build upon.
I actually saw this film before I got the 1001 Movies book. I went through a silent film phase last year when I first got Netflix hooked up to the TV through the Xbox 360. And out of all of the ones I saw during that initial burst of enthusiasm, this one stuck (almost) the most in my head (Metropolis is certainly more epic and thought-provoking so its number one). The story is so dark, the setting so eerie, that you can't help but remember it. And considering when it was made and the limitations of the period regarding special effects, I think thats a pretty impressive accomplishment.
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