21/1001: Irreversible

Released 2002
Directed by Gaspar Noe
Starring Monica Bellucci, Vincent Cassel, Albert Dupontel
(watched via Netflix streaming)

The Plot Basically Breaks Down Like This:
Something very very bad happens to Monica Bellucci. Her current boyfriend and her ex-boyfriend get revenge on the man that did this very very bad thing.

My Thoughts Basically Break Down Like This:
I feel sick. It seems like everything about this movie was made specifically to unsettle the audience. The way the camera never stayed still, always swinging and spinning and flipping around, until the one scene where I really would have preferred it to not be still. The way the music was low and repetitive and ugly. The way everything was too gloomy for too long and then suddenly light. And the story. It was just so incredibly hard to watch. It was told in reverse order, with what seemed to be the climax happening at the very beginning and the very very bad thing happening after the middle. You would think this would make it easier to watch as the story progressively got lighter since the bad stuff had already happened. But it didn't. The end was probably the hardest part to watch, because it was so hopeful and bright, and I knew how dark it was going to turn out.  I don't know if this is a great film or a horrible film. All I know is that it made me feel very strong emotions and that I will never forget it.
