19/1001: Singin' in the Rain

Released 1952
Directed by Stanely Donen, Gene Kelly
Starring Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor
(watched the first time via VHS)

The Plot Basically Breaks Down Like This:
It is the end of the silent movie era and the biggest stars in the world are wondering "what comes next? will I still have a part to play in the evolution of film? and will that part still get me laid?" Well something like that anyways. Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) is the biggest of the big stars and he's made his way singing and dancing and acting a fool with his loyal sidekick (Donald O'Connor) and a comely costar. When he falls in love with a perky showgirl (Debbie Reynolds) who pretends she doesn't see what everyone else sees in him their fates seem set. Except that the comely costar of old has a terrible voice that doesn't translate to "talkies" and she wants Don AND Debbie Reynold's amazing singing voice. Even though neither want anything to do with her. As I'm sure you can guess, comedic hijinks as well as much singing and dancing ensue.

My Thoughts Basically Break Down Like This:

The first time I saw this movie I was in love. It was so bright and beautiful and fun. While other musicals have had a sense of fun about them, this was the first I had ever seen that really seemed to dive in and own that fun. Gene Kelly is amazingly athletic and incredibly charming, and I can understand why Debbie Reynolds falls for him ... eventually. I get a kick out of the fact that she makes him work for it though. She was such a fun leading lady - all sassy and smart with that round face and those big eyes. Adorable. One of my fave stars of this film, though, is Donald O'Connor. Not as slapstick as Danny Kaye, he still manages to bring the funny every time the camera aims his way. And he keeps up in the dancing scenes with Gene Kelly, which looks incredibly difficult to do. They are talented and witty and hilarious, and it makes me feel good every time I watch this movie again. This is the kind of film that makes you feel like things are awesome, things are great, things are fun. And it is nice to have that sense of fun once in a while.
