
25/1001: Dumbo

24/1001: Nosferatu, A Symphony of Terror

23/1001: Akira

22/1001: Manhunter

+1/1: Lost in Translation

21/1001: Irreversible

20/1001: Brokeback Mountain

19/1001: Singin' in the Rain

18/1001: Ba Wang Bie Ji (Farewell My Concubine)

17/1001: Saving Private Ryan

16/1001: The Wizard of Oz

Just a Quick Note About Order...

15/1001: Bringing Up Baby

14/1001: The Adventures of Robin Hood

13/1001: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

12/1001: My Man Godfrey

11/1001: The Thin Man

10/1001: It Happened One Night

9/1001: Las Huerdes (Land Without Bread)

8/1001: Duck Soup

7/1001 - Freaks

6/1001 - Dracula

5/1001 - Un Chien Andalou (Andalusian Dog)

4/1001 - Metropolis

3/1001 - Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari)

2/1001 - The Great Train Robbery

1/1001 - Le voyage dans la lune (A Trip to the Moon)

The Ultimate Movie Challenge